Category Archives: Dental Technology

Many Older People Regret Neglecting Teeth

Many Older People Regret Neglecting Teeth

Written by Dentistry Today
Friday, 15 June 2012 11:48

Many people regret not dedicating time to do something essential right before they go to sleep and when they wake up. That’s why people should brush their teeth and maintain good oral health before it’s too late.

A new study indicates that 60 percent of people older than 55 in the United Kingdom regret not keeping up on their oral health earlier in life. The information comes from the British Dental Health Foundation.

About 20 percent of people in the United Kingdom have full or partial dentures. There are 2.5 million people with no natural teeth.

The problem stems from the fact that many of these people grew up in era when dental health wasn’t stressed. For comparison’s sake, 37 percent of people in 1968 had no natural teeth.

In today’s world, many people aged 16 to 24 are extremely conscious about the way their teeth look. Roughly two-thirds of them are more worried about the way their teeth look now compared to the way they looked five years ago.

Brushing is the best course of action to avoid regretting the way your teeth look. Staying away from sugary or acidic food and drinks, as well as visiting the dentist, are also important to maintain good oral health.

Dental Company in Texas Duping Children Into Dental Treatment

Dental Company in Texas Duping Children Into Dental Treatment

Written by Dentistry Today
Monday, 20 August 2012 15:30

Police in Dallas are looking into an ongoing situation.

All About Dentistry, a Dallas dental clinic, is paying children $10 to perform dental drilling on them without notifying the children’s parents. The alleged recruiters are targeting an area where children gather during the summer and after school.

These illegal occurrences have happened six times in the last six months. The clinic conceded that it employs recruiters to bring in new Medicaid patients but won’t disclose the amount it pays them.

The receptionists implore the children to keep the dental visit a secret from their parents. In many of these cases, that isn’t problem.

The problem for All About Dentistry is that it’s illegal for this kind of dental visit to occur without a parent’s knowledge.

None of the records of the dental treatment have been produced at this point. The Medicaid records for one child, however, showed that $2,000 worth of dental bills came from All About Dentistry without a parent’s consent.

The Dallas Police Department continues to look into the allegations.

Ability to Chew Could Impact Dementia Risk

Ability to Chew Could Impact Dementia Risk

Written by Dentistry Today
Thursday, 04 October 2012 14:44

Chewing could help keep dementia away.

New research from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden indicates that there is a correlation between not having teeth and a loss of cognitive function. The study also shows a correlation involving a lack of teeth and a higher risk for dementia.

As people age, they are at higher risk for worsening health, including deteriorating memory, decision making and problem solving.

This study explains that when people don’t chew as much, less blood flows to the brain. The information is just a theory at this point because there has yet to be a comprehensive study on the connection between chewing ability and dementia over a large sample size of elderly people.

To compile the data for this study, however, 557 people aged 77 and older were studied. It was discovered that the people who had trouble chewing apples were at a higher risk for developing cognitive problems. This relationship stayed that way, regardless of what other factors were in play. The results did not change if the person chewed with dentures as opposed to his or her real teeth.

The information appears in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.